
创造人林伯先生拉尔夫·林福德 – 距今10多年前,林伯由於自身有舒緩需求但又在市面上找不到適合的產品,便憑著自己對於製造及自然的了解,在自家的小廚房做起測試來,最後製造出能舒緩肌膚的天然成份澳摩油Elmore Oil。

来自澳洲 – 澳摩埃尔莫尔小镇 – 林伯当初想让更多人认识自己所居住的小镇而直接将产品取名澳摩油埃尔莫尔石油,而人口不多的小镇如今也真的因为澳摩油的缘故而有名起来。


澳大利亚各大药店有售 。


Elmore Oil 系列产品全新包装.


Dear Customers,

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the production of Elmore Oil products is on hold indefinitely till further notice. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding and patience.

In the meantime, you could sign up on the product page to be notified when stock is available. Please note that new updates will be posted here and our Customer Service does not have information on stock availability date.